Raising Awareness
How the Program Came to Be
Since 2001, Sorrel King has been an active advocate for patients and their families. Sorrel has worked to support the patient safety movement to ensure that what happened to Josie will never happen to a patient again. One of the prime ways that she does this is to speak to groups in a position to inspire a culture of patient safety. Her ability to connect with caregivers, administrators, and other patients is key in the success of her public speaking.
Program Description
Healthcare organizations across the country invite Sorrel King to speak at training sessions, conferences, and seminars. Sorrel’s current speech briefly tells Josie’s story, and focuses heavily on the innovative programs funded by the Josie King Foundation and their impact on the field of patient safety.
Goals for the Program
It is Sorrel’s hope that the groups she addresses are inspired to enhance their commitment to patient safety.
Who Else is Implementing
A list of the groups that have invited Sorrel to speak can be found in the Speaking Engagements section of this website.