Book News

When Josie was first in the hospital, I kept a journal. It helped me remember everything that was happening, everything we had to do. It helped me release some of the stress. When she died I continued to write. I wrote and I wrote and I wrote. I had to get my sadness,...

“Questions Patients Need to Ask”

There is a great new book out there for patients and their families. It is called Questions Patients Need to Ask. Dr. David Shulkin, CEO of Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City, wrote it with the hopes that it would help patients and their families get safe...

Boston Part 2: Health Care’s Holy Grail

Energized from the previous night’s meeting with the HCA folks, I took a cab to the John F. Kennedy Library to a conference put on by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (BCBSMA). The conference was titled “In Pursuit of Health Care’s Holy Grail:...